Do you know what foods and drinks you enjoy are likely to erode your tooth enamel and leave stains? A good rule of thumb is that if it can stain your clothes or the tablecloth, it can stain your teeth. Similarly, if it turns your tongue different colors, it will likely discolor and stain your teeth as well. If you are concerned with keeping your teeth white and sparkling, here is a list of stain-causers to be wary of.
Dark sauces can add stains to your teeth while adding flavor to your entrees. Soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, and marinara sauces are just a few examples of condiments that can discolor your teeth. As often as possible, choose lighter vinegars, lemon zests, or white sauces to minimize staining.
Popsicles and Candy
The danger of popsicles and candy is that they linger in our mouths for long periods of time. Sucking on these for a length of time will often turn your tongue colors and will stain your teeth as well. Other chewable candies such as chocolate also have staining capabilities as well.
A glass of red wine can help you relax and can even be healthy, but it can also cause stains to your teeth due to its deep red color and tannins. To reduce the amount of staining, rinse your mouth by drinking water after sipping on wine.
Dark-colored and vibrant berries look pretty and taste great, but these fruits can wreak havoc on the color of your teeth. Also be aware that other foods and juices containing these berries such as pie can also stain your teeth.
Colored sodas have the capability to severely stain teeth. The acidic nature of soda means it erodes the enamel within seconds and the dark soda will stain your teeth while the sugars cause tooth decay. Diet sodas don’t pose any less risk as they are highly acidic and stain teeth just as much as regular soda. Light-colored sodas can also promote staining by eating away at the enamel and making it easier for other foods to cause stains.
Coffee and Tea
Coffee is acidic and dark in color, which is double trouble when it comes to staining your teeth. Adding milk can lessen the staining power of coffee. Similarly, dark teas have an even greater staining ability than coffee because of its tannins. Drinking white, green, or other light herbal teas can help keep your teeth whiter.
Many of the foods and drinks on this list can be healthy for your body; however, it is important to eat and drink these staining foods and beverages in moderation. Some other tips are to use a straw when possible if you are drinking any of these beverages and to swallow quickly instead of letting stain-causing liquids linger on your teeth. If you have questions about stain causing foods or way to whiten your teeth, feel free to contact our office!