1299 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008

Holiday Dentistry: Dental Bridges

If you have not already done so, now is a perfect time to make sure your smile is complete for the new year. The best way to enhance and upgrade your smile is to fill out any voids and gaps that are caused by missing or lost teeth. One highly effective tooth replacement prosthetic to consider is dental bridges. Ask... read more »

A Secret to Oral Health Success: Dental Anxiety Treatments

If you suffer from dental anxiety, it is referring to a treatable condition that arises due to fear from visiting your dentist and receiving any or all oral health care procedures and needed treatments. For some, the idea of receiving a professional cleaning from your dentist might be enough to trigger a dental anxiety panic attack. Fortunately, this condition it... read more »

Best Brushing Tactics

You have been brushing your teeth for years. In fact, you’ve probably done it so many times that you don’t even have to think about it anymore. After all, it is a pretty simple process. You squeeze some toothpaste on your brush and scrub your teeth. Then you are out the door or off to bed. But are you brushing... read more »

Oral First-Aid With a Tongue Injury

Accidental falls or an unexpected blow to the head can potentially cause you to bite down on your tongue, cheek, lip, or other soft oral tissues. In these moments the pain and potential bleeding can be very distressing. Yet it’s important to keep a cool head while administered first-aid and seeking professional treatment from our dentist, Dr. Steven A. Beuligmann.... read more »

Sensitive Teeth?

Tooth sensitivity makes it hard to eat, drink, and accomplish daily functions. Unfortunately, there are many causes of tooth sensitivity--that’s why it’s important to get dental advice as soon as possible. Contributing factors to toothaches and tooth sensitivity include worn or fractured tooth enamel, cavities, dental erosion due to acidic foods and beverages, an eating disorder or gastric reflux, or... read more »

Your Routine Dental Cleaning & Exam

It is widely known that brushing and flossing your teeth daily is very important to your dental health. However, oral hygiene alone is not enough to achieve and maintain ideal oral health. You must also have a professional dental cleaning and checkup twice a year. This will allow Dr. Steven A. Beuligmann to help you keep your teeth healthy and... read more »

A Small Area of Dental Attrition Might Be Treated with a Dental Filling

Minor alignment problems with your teeth that went uncorrected in youth can cause significant problems in adulthood. When your teeth meet in your dentition at an unnatural angle it can cause excess wear and tear on the tooth enamel. As this starts to happen the area of dental attrition can continue to grow. This leaves the tooth at increasing risk... read more »

Oral Health Care Procedures: Dental Bridges

A dental bridge can enhance your oral health. Dental bridges are used to take the place of lost or missing teeth that leave empty spaces in your mouth where teeth once were. Over time, this space can result in an assortment of oral health ailments that can affect your other teeth as well. Protect your smile by filling in the... read more »